[Rev. Auction] Buying a DC of dark oak logs

Discussion in 'Reverse Auction Archive' started by neonkillah, Dec 9, 2014.


Is matt short

short? 7 vote(s) 63.6%
matt is short 8 vote(s) 72.7%
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  1. 14k
    @neonkillah - ahhh please capitalize the "G" in "Gem", that annoys me a lot :eek:
  2. No you right to point it out my comment was directed to OP who rebloged it as an illegal bump
    the_creeper_lord likes this.
  3. Ninjad
    the_creeper_lord likes this.
  4. Bump. And for the record, I wasn't trying to make an illegal bump. I was making the auction more clear by stating which bid is still valid, because the next bidders could be thrown off.
  5. Bump :) MissFabled still in the lead for 13.9k
  6. Bbbbbbrump!
  7. I think I won the commission. I already have the Dark oak I will have it in an access chest at residence 10694 on smp5 (Go through the auction teleport>look in the chest with your name on it). I'm in the wild at the moment but I will have the access sign up within an hour of this post.
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