I know the server is currently set to reboot ever few hours, but the last forty minutes or so before reboot are really unplayable with a recent dig showing one in three blocks glitching back. I think the server reboots could be more often - at the end of the day, how much of an interruption is it, really? You don't lose your position, your inventory, any work you've done, you just relog for thirty seconds and get back in. Thoughts?
Think about the Empire staff IRL. If they're not doing any reboots, then they're maybe busy or they know that there's no lag. What I'm trying to say is it's maybe your PC or just a bad day for MC
As Jack says, it's not as if there's someone sat in front of a server monitor going; "NOES LAAAG!" The inconvenience is non-existent once Aikar tweaks a number in a line of code, but the benefits are substantial and the interruptions to the player are minimal at best.
2 things. you said that and i thought and 2... Server side texture = true, minecraft default but black and white. xD