Referral Contest Winners for April 2014 and a Referral Guide

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, May 4, 2014.

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  1. May I possibly request the numbers of the winners? It would be interesting to see, if possible, thanks :)
    Gadget_AD and IronicSwordPlay like this.
  2. For referrals I believe you had 7 from a referral link and another 8 from your banner. Those may be flipped but yeah =) (15 total)
    IronicSwordPlay and FDNY21 like this.
  3. I read this once, was like "Oh cool FDNY!" Then I looked again and saw my name.
    Thanks all!
    FDNY21 likes this.
  4. Here's what were currently at for May :)

    Simply post a lot on MCF/PMC and get referrals/rupees/blocks of clickyness!
  5. .... roundin up support for you... Your welcome...
  6. We are over halfway through the Month of May! Get those referral banners going!
  7. Oooh, exciting. Not sure if I wanted to see the count or if I'd rather have the suspense. :p
  8. hash and fdny are right on each others toes right now! But... Seems they are the only ones getting traction - so it can be easy to secure a #3 position if someone simply gets involved in posting on MCF/PMC
    FDNY21 and hashhog3000 like this.
  9. i think i need to do more of this :D
  10. Oooh, can't wait for the results of the May contest! :D *Crosses fingers*
    FDNY21 likes this.
  11. yaya just got 5k because someone joined because of me :D
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