Recent Spike in Misconduct

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by SleepyPK, Jun 10, 2012.


Have you seen any recent spike in misconduct?

Poll closed Jun 24, 2012.
Yes, there is a rising trend in misconduct. 18 vote(s) 72.0%
No, I haven't noticed any rise in delinquency. 7 vote(s) 28.0%
  1. I once read a magazine article about endangered butterflies and other insects. I shared it with a friend and we talked about how we hadn't seen many butterflies since we were kids. Surprisingly(or not surprisingly), I started noticing them every time I was outside after that.
    jkjkjk182 and Dwight5273 like this.
  2. It is likely that if you are seeing a rise in delinquency it is due to boredom. I see several things that could lead to a mass player boredom. First - We are getting close to a large content update. This makes people anxious and bored with old content. This will resolve itself when the patch hits.

    Second - The state of the broken mobs. I know this has me running in circles wondering what to do next. This will resolve when our wonderful staff can get to it. (I hope it is high on the priority list)

    A side note: I do think it would be extremely nice if we received a note after we report things. It does not have to be extensive, just a quick "Thanks for your report - we are working on it" or "Thanks for your report the issue has been resolved."

    It would give players a feeling of knowing that reporting was worth their time. Instead of just wondering if it went into a cloud somewhere never to be seen. Might give people more incentive to use the system if they felt like doing so was actually helpful to you guys (you = staff).
  3. Haha I had the same talk couple weeks ago about this with my friend
    SleepyPK likes this.
  4. I never said moderators being offline was a problem. I agreed with BiscuitBoy5396 when he said "It seems that all of my reports are no good lately ."
  5. Nor am I bored with Minecraft.
  6. Are you being delinquent? =p My point is people do get bored and then the tendency to do bad things rises.
    Dwight5273 and ISMOOCH like this.
  7. Good point. Maybe you could organize some activities on that server, SleepyPK?
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  8. Sure thing!
  9. I'm actually loggin-in into EMC for 1-2 minutes daily just to recieve the rupees and check some stuff around, as I stated somewhere else, EMC needs innovation and new ways to make people happy, PVP, mob arenas, jobs, mini-games and different servers (hardcore, creative and such)...
    Tehwafflez and matthew12hydro like this.
  10. The chickens are from the april fools joke. the staff spawned a few chickens there :D
  11. There have been like a TON of chickens around town spawn on SMP3 also, ANNOYING!
  12. someone attacked 7 spawn relentlessly for like a week, especially my "Crater" (I've reset my res to get rid of it now :/) with chickens.

    As for trouble, really, you're overreacting to it (no offense meant by that).

    Our servers are full of children, and the set changes every single day.

    some kids like to misbehave, some don't, some good like to randomly misbehave too.

    It's just how children are. There is no conspiracy to overwhelm EMC with misbehaving lol.

    As for reports - Always do them. Even if they aren't reacted to fast, its still going to get processed, the player will receive due punishment, and it will be on their record.
  13. Considering even some adults behave like that... erm... like this...
  14. and now I see why EMC is run by ADULTS. or really mature teenagers :)