6/10. This thread made me realized I almost solely listen to VGM's, and since everything else is from an actual band... C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!
It is an okay song, but it doesn't hold up well anymore. 5/10 Instrumental prog played on an eight-string guitar, anyone?
Cool sounding guitar, but I don't really like the drums…7/10 (yes, it's a song. It's just an opening to the song…)
I thought that said "no one likes you" at first... 7/10, not too much of a fan of that genre, but it's a nice song. Let's get some edm in here!
Ill give it a 8/10, very cool sounds. 2 points were off because it sounded roboty.... Not a fan of hip hop/ rap, but this one song I like: