
Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AmusedStew, May 18, 2013.


What do you think?

This annoys the crap out of me, stop calling it Budder/Butter! 43 vote(s) 56.6%
I Love using the term Budder/Butter! 8 vote(s) 10.5%
I could care less 25 vote(s) 32.9%
  1. I live in the south we say things different (not all of us) we say budder all the time I see no problem with it. I can call it budder u can say butter i dont care.

    Thats just your problem, everyone has their own way of thinking, just because it annoys you doesnt mean there is a problem with it. Im pretty sure if we got rid of everything that annoys people there would be nothing left. (what if you kid has an imaginary friend and it annoys you, are you going to make them get rid of it?)

    I dont watch the show either, but it gets on my nerves when people say TARDIS, its a police box. Its annoying to me like budder is annoying to you.

    I dont worship sky and could care less about him but I hate when everyone gets mad at me for saying Budder/butter. but i understand everyone is entitled to their own opinions (except sonicol1 hes not allowed to have opinions)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.

    1. said:
      #Something we Americans Got #SWAG
      So I am thinking you voted "other", I am not entirely sure but how exactly would I be able to auction SWAG?
      <----- Pencil Not Banana!!!!!


    2. AmusedStew said:
      So I am thinking you voted "other", I am not entirely sure but how exactly would I be able to auction SWAG?
      Otherwise known as BUTTER


    3. AmusedStewGold Supporter

      Otherwise known as BUTTER


      ItsMeMatheus likes this.

    4. AmusedStew said:


    5. AmusedStewGold Supporter

      Oh, so gold?


    6. AmusedStew said:
      Oh, so gold?
      you mean budder? yes 'gold' but renamed in the maxarian fires to be BUDDER

      Perfect Example of what I was talking about.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. If it BOTHERS you so much, do /ch off . Its not really gonna stop.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. When I say budder:
    1. I am talking about sky's videos
    2. I am goofing around/mining with BrenJone, chatting in a pm
    When I say gold:
    1. Selling/Buying it
    2. Town chat to not annoy people
    Equinox_Boss, wisepsn and BrenJone like this.
  4. I don't think budderluver wants his name on here and to be humiliated. That was a little rude you know, lol.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. Truth. I like sky, but I am not a sky fanboy that just WORSHIPS him. Yes okay, I think gold looks like butter. Now lets talk about something else. If someone replys to this thinking I am, I am not. Me and my friends joke around some times and call it butter... and life goes on...
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. That isnt a players name, just an example.
  7. Why do you keep talking about DICTIONARY .com?? This is a virtual video game, not IRL. If I get a ant and call it a NAME, will it annoy you. Yes, I do know the annoying people that are fanboys of sky and just are really annoying, but some people are actually NORMAL and just say butter. Like Luckygreenbird said. We all have our funny times at moments. We cant all just be serious all the time, because that would be boring. Being serious is boring. Having a fun imagination is unique.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  8. Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. Having "butter" filtered to say "gold" in town chat would be one of the funniest things ever, tbh. I'd love to see people raging at it.
    Kephras, Adderwolf71, mba2012 and 5 others like this.
  10. :O Genius! O:
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. Uhm.... brb.... Must forward to special peoplez....
  12. /ch off does not solve anything, If everyone who voted for the first option up there did /ch off, a few people would not be heard of again.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  13. What if someone was actually talking about butter, like "brb gotta butter my toast". It just wouldn't make sense :p
    Equinox_Boss and wisepsn like this.
  14. We'd get a good laugh, just like you do on Runescape when it filters something perfectly innocent into sounding really bad.

    Eg: I want to **** you with my chicken. <= Real example of back in the day
  15. I honestly don't mind all this fuss over budder/butter/gold or whatever you want to call it.
    Just call it FUDGEBISCUITS.

    GOSH. And people think I'm crazy...
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. Guys, let's all be budders and get over with it.
  17. ......
    Equinox_Boss and jkjkjk182 like this.
  18. You REALLY hate the word budder dont you? Lol
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. I sometimes like to call gold budder just because I like sky and his videos, but those who bow down and kiss his butt need to get slapped. Its just an item.
    Equinox_Boss and wisepsn like this.