Question of block ownership

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by anthemsong, Mar 5, 2022.

  1. My nether rail intersects another nether rail created before I laid mine. This wasn't a problem when my nether rail was just a rail, I was able to easily avoid the intersection by going below the other rail. A few months after laying the rail my friend added in an iceboat road going parallel and the iceboat road is highly inconvenienced by going going below the other rail. I tested the blocks and the rail blocks are protected block, but no other blocks are protected. The problem is the owner hasn't been on in years. At what point can I change their rail (their rail blocks are protected, but not the blocks the rail is laid on) to allow the iceboat road to go through? Or is that never?
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  2. You can't remove that block, it's same as torch when lost depend block, but you can dm staffs to remove block protection of that player if they are abadoned
    (mostly moderators can do that, but if they're unsure, senior staff will handle it)
    Also if you're unsure when dm staff, you can hit a rail with bone, if they did not display, then they're removed block protection, just like placed in /noprotectmode
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