Quarantine Dreams

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Velma_T_Jinkies, Apr 23, 2020.

  1. OK, so I normally sleep pretty well at night, I clock a good 7-8 hours. I have to say tho, this quarantine thing is finally starting to get to me I think. That or I've been on EMC entirely too much lately. So I normally have dreams that I remember part of, or nothing at all. This morning was different. I was dreaming, about EMC...lol. I saw the server restart notice, but like many I ignored the first warning. Then at the 30 second warning, I woke up. Anyone else having odd EMC related dreams? Bahahaha!!!
  2. My dreams are always interesting. I normally have a documentary to sleep. Like last night I was watching Mt. St Helens back in 1980 and just imagined my closest volcano that I lived near exploded. The mind is a weird machine
    Velma_T_Jinkies and 607 like this.
  3. Interesting!
    If I get any worth sharing (and family-friendly :p) I'll try to remember to write what I can recall here. :)
    Velma_T_Jinkies likes this.