In other words, don't make a fuss that a player is holding a sword or wearing armor. It doesn't help them. Bows however ARE allowed, but follow same rules of static damage. Theres no reason to tell someone to do/not do something in PvP Fair Arenas anymore - the system enforces it.
I don't know why staff doesn't allow items. There is static damage. That is out of my hands so whatever. Ninja'd by Aikar. You guys have required staff intervention over 10 times the past few days. That's sad. That really is. PvP is for fun, not to make staff waste their time over childish arguments.
I don't see a problem with using non-weapon/tool items because: 1. You can't enchant them to make them stronger than they are. 2. They deal the same damage as a fist does. If I player is using weapons/armor in PvP Fair I would nicely ask them to take the armor off and not use the weapon only once. If they refuse just move to another arena. No need to do /report or /ignore unless they are really getting out of hand; then let staff handle it. I like using non-weapon items in PvP fair because the item I used has a name appear in chat. You don't get that with fists.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but why does anyone care about what other players do in fair PvP if it doesn't make a difference?
It does, but knowing people are they REALLY going to read the hologram? There was a hologram saying not to bring items yet there were numerous staff interventions to remind that, earlier.
people dont read the holograms, idk how many ties i have to tell players daily to use /c r in pvp or that you wont lose durability. its starting to get on my nerves frankly
Staff giveth, and staff can taketh. I think most everyone should watch how they act around the PvP arenas. No one can gain anything besides a small little tick up on their statistics for SMP6 only. EMC was originally thought up of being as non-PvP as possible, although under demand these arenas were brought in and thought up to be even safer then the Frontier and Wastelands. Lets all keep in mind that people's actions could have these arenas taken away, now lets all play safe and fun everyone =) EDIT: I suppose I should add a quick note as this can be somewhat misleading, this is my own opinion. As far as I know, no Staff member holds this opinion with me or has intentions to do this. Just my idea on what can happen if we continue to act how we do
Thats what I keep telling people, you arent losing anything and you dont have to even be on smp6, much less in pvp.