{Prizes} Towers B-Day Giveaway

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by AncientTower, Apr 30, 2018.

  1. Tower's B-Day Giveaway

    What you all will be playing for.

    1st Prize: Ore Buster, 35k
    2nd prize: Mineral Mincer, 30k
    3rd prize: Mineral Mincer, 25k
    4th prize: Mineral Mincer, 20k
    5th prize: Mineral Mincer, 15k
    6th prize: Mineral Mincer, 10k

    How to play:
    (Post a youtube link to your favorite song
    Choose a number 1-200)
    (will add more numbers if needed)
    (No Alts, lets play fair)

    132: FlyingFish21
    123: The_Mancub
    17: Sachrock
    114: Bankingclan
    73: thefriedmans
    66: KikuDusk
    6: WyntyrRaevyn
    1: q1zx
    111: MCSaw
    9: Raaynn
    77: SkeleTin007
    32: TheRedstoneShop
    43: Sydney_43
    133: FadedMartian
    78: WitherDoggie
    27: LuckyCordel
    21: OriginalScuf
    13: MoreMoople
    157: TheFroon
    51: Sefl51
    15: We3_MPO
    142: Smooshed_Potato
    99: 99Marvel
    52: cam7051
    36: crystaldragon13
    55: Cubefragment
    22: Moonglum_
    137: MrAdazahi
    127: ChumMiner
    96: Ethy202
    88: sliceofrhybread
    129: The_OP_Villager
    23: ZanDarkin2
    69: SkareCboi
    47: Croquez
    200: Stnywitness
    33: Kodaster
    28: __Devil_

    If you'd like to send me a birthday gift.
    I enjoy written books and player heads.
    (Gifts are optional and in no way dictate who wins the prizes)

    Prizes will be drawn via Random.org on Monday May 7th and prizes sent by May 12th
  2. May, may be new player awareness month but it's also Towers birth month.
  3. Tim McGraw and I share the Month of May.. We're May Babies!!
  4. Thanks for the giveaway and number 17, please :)

    This is my favourite current song but not my favourite song of all time

    This is one of my favourite all time songs

  5. 66 please
    Thanks for the giveaway! :D
  6. My favourite song changes often but atm its Ebb and Flow by Aesthetic Perfection

    And i'd like number 6 please
  7. GRRRRRRR I ALWAYS TAKE SIX Lol. xD I'll take number one, thanks!
    Oh, my favorite song? IDK.
  8. Very nice Tower.. Happy Birthday... it May be mine this month also... so i will select no 9 (not my bday)

    and hmmmm.... favorite song on Youtube... very very tough. But after hours of deliberation and deep thought I think I have at least finally gotten close... HERE

    keep on rockin...
  9. Happy B-Month AncientTower :) I would love number 77 if available but if not then I will take number 67 :p

    Here is one of my all time favorites :D
  10. Thanks for the giveaway and happy birthday! As for favorite song, it'd be this at the moment:

    EDIT: Forgot number, I'll take 43.
    You're Maybies? haha.
  11. You didn't post a video :p
    cubefragment likes this.
  12. Happy Birthday! :D

    Not my all-time favorite, but I'm addicted to this song currently.

    I'll take 78 please. Thanks for the giveaway!
  13. I have no idea what you are talking about?
    cubefragment likes this.