/pricecheck command

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Wulvgar, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. I don't get how easy it's to go /v random plenty of times looking for a good shop. At least it's not easier than /pricecheck xP

    Anyways, i believe something like this should never happen at EMC; it would bring down the economy to a centralized monetary system, right now i believe we work on some kind of federalist economy which works just well based on the demand, but putting a price range would make people work inside those patterns, which would make pretty much all the shops the same.
    Finally, i believe that the prices should be better based on demand/offer, obviously diamonds won't be 1r ever but maybe stuff like glowstone, cobblestone and other items as such can be part of that system.
  2. I've got a feeling this would use a lot of bandwidth up and cause a hell of a lot of lag.