Price Inquiry permanent derelict voucher

Discussion in 'Price Inquiries' started by ZombieInstinct, Nov 29, 2017.

  1. Hey guys, want to purchase a permanent derelict voucher in the near future. How much does it sell for in game? I've been saving up and trying to get enough for one, though I have no idea the price and the grind is a long one. :p

    Also, on a side note; if one of you has one could you PM me and let me know if you could reserve it for me for when I have enough and how much it will be? :D Thanks!
  2. I sold mine (no, I don't have another, sorry :p) a few months ago for approximately 2,150,000 rupees, though I did go a tiny bit low there (gave a discount for good reasons ;)). I believe the last ones I've seen were in between 2,200,000 and 2,400,000 rupees.
    ShrinkingMatt and Tuqueque like this.
  3. Thanks for the info!