Price for birthday candle and birthday crystal?

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by LindenNZ, Aug 15, 2022.

  1. Do
    s anyon
    e hav
    e a pric
    e for th
    e birthday candl
    e and crystals?

    I want to buy on
    e of
    each but I'm not sur
    e what th
    e going for? I'm happy to pay a g
    erous pric
    e if anyon
    e wants to PM m
    e to s
    ell th

    (I'm still in th
    e mark
    et for a Holly Jolly too).
  2. Um you ok? :p
    LindenNZ likes this.
  3. Does your e key also add a new line?
    LindenNZ likes this.
  4. Linden's keyboard is messed up, I remember she told me the e key didn't work haha

    And as for your question--I've been buying/selling them for 25-35k each, that should be market price
    LindenNZ and ThaKloned like this.
  5. I think the e key works, just not in the way its supoosed to lol.

    But I also second this price for the candle. I bought mine for 25k.
    ThaKloned likes this.
  6. Oh nooooo. :eek: I didn't know it formattd lik this. That ky isn't working on my kyboard so I pastd it in. Also th first two numbrs arn't working. I'm going to lav it lik this bcaus it's funny. I rally nd to go gt my laptop fixd.
    UltiPig, Tuqueque and ThaKloned like this.
  7. Thank you for th rplis anyway. I'm suprisd you could undrstnd it at all. oh man :rofl: :lmao:
    UltiPig, Tuqueque and ThaKloned like this.