[Price Check] Promos/rares I can't find prices for

Discussion in 'Price Inquiries' started by ColPun, May 28, 2017.

  1. I've been cataloging and assessing the value of my collection recently, and I would like to find prices for these item. Thank you in advanced for the help!

    Please do not send me offers for these items.

    ICC Valentines Day Head
    Default Horse Spawn Eggs
    Trick-or-Treat 2015 Claim Chest
    Original Empire Assistant Tool
    God Apples
    WardleDeBoss likes this.
  2. That's as many as I know, hope this helps ;)
    WardleDeBoss and slash14459 like this.
  3. Thanks for the replies! I've deleted the items that I got answers for.
    WardleDeBoss likes this.
  4. Silk Touch Shears Personally, I wouldn't say more than 6k
    Dark Red Freedom Blade Add 15k to whatever the regular freedom blade costs
    Do Not Claim Freedom Blade 10k to regular freedom blade
    Normal ICC head 950k+
    Normal Aikar Head Mman sold one and I'm thinking it was 500k and some items
    Normal Krysyy Head 60k or under
    Original Empire Assistant Tool Definitely a collectors' item, so it just depends on which person you find to purchase it. Could potentially reach high 6 or low 7 if you pressed
    Freedom Blade Claim Chest 250k~? Don't trust me on this one
    God Apples Ask sach... :p
  5. Pretty sure it was about 1 mil in items and rupees a couple months ago
    slash14459, WardleDeBoss and Dufne like this.
  6. Removed more items and added some that I forgot to when I made this list.