[Price Check] How much is a dc of potions worth?

Discussion in 'Price Inquiries' started by Ruff415, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. I have a shop where if you give me the ingredients for a potion, I make it for you and deliver it. I have an option where you can buy a dc full. How much should I charge for it?
  2. Depends on the potion really, for example a strength potion will cost more than a poison potion due to ghast tears being more valuable than spider eyes
  3. Well, considering that players provide their own ingredients... Hmm, how do you brew it? ;)

    I'd try to look a bit at the prize of the materials you use (glass to make flasks) and the effort of delivering.

    It's a difficult one.. I'd also try to check what prizes other shops on your server charge and go a little below that. After all: with those other shops players get their potions right away, with yours they'll have to wait a moment. On the other hand.. you deliver a full DC vs. smaller amounts ;)