[Price Check] Hired Labor

Discussion in 'Price Inquiries' started by MissFable, Jul 13, 2017.

  1. What is the going rate for labor/employing players right now?
    -Wasteland work: assisting with project via fighting mobs, adding torches to surrounding cave systems, and maybe some digging.
    -Wasteland work: digging out an area.

    What rate of rupees is usually payed for such work? What rate of pay are players (or yourself) usually happy with getting?
  2. The good thing about this community is that many might offer help without being paid.
  3. perhaps 5k-8k / hour, high skills are not required

    low skill: under 8k / hour + tools, hard to say
    good skills: 10k-12k / hour + tools
    high skill: 15k per hour + tools
    You keep the digged materials.

    I'd suggest to calculate the needed time in hours for a high skill digger and then multiply by 15k to get the price.
    MissFable likes this.
  4. Low Skill: Dies when falling into lava while mining....

    Good Skills: Mines in grid patterns and gets the job done right...

    High Skilled: Mines with his/her own Haste II set up...Jobs done quick with both parties happy.

    Do I have that about right???
  5. I have a wild project that I've been paying people to help me dig out. I've been paying 6k rupee per chunk mined out from y58 to bedrock. I provide haste and speed beacons. The players can keep all they mine out even all ores. I also tend to tip pretty well to & provide access to xp grinders for repairs. I've had a lot of takers on the offer & quite a few have mined multiple chunks for me.