[PRICE CHECK] Builders wand

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by haastregt, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. Hey guys!

    So, I have recently come back to EMC after about a year (yay!), and I found this somewhere on one of my resses:

    I won this item at the Follow The Leprechaun Contest. It is a trophy to me so I am not planning on selling it, but I am just curious how much it would be worth.


    P.S: I didnt realize yet I could close the crafting receipt window when I made this screeny xP, it has been a long time
    Starzival, Patr1cV and padde73 like this.
  2. I don't think this would count as a sellable item actually. Since, well, no one wants to sell their builder's wand (I assume) and so there wouldn't be a market valuue of it. the valuue is more in being able to show that thing with pride :)
    haastregt likes this.
  3. There is only one on the market - So it's not like it's a rare promo, it's a specific item. However, it doesn't have a specific name, it's still an Empire promo. Probably has a lot of value mentally than literally.

    I wouldn't pay for it - It's just... It's not valuable to me personally. (Hypothetically)

    However, it's a really cool item - And I think it will go up in value in the future as being an old item from the past, but it's like - Not sure. I would say it's worth a decent amount though because it's a rare promo.
    haastregt likes this.
  4. Well As Far as i am Aware.... None have ever sold But i would be comfortable saying it Could get 2 million+ if you chose to sell it

    edit: by none i mean Other Builders wannds :p

    edit2: wands typo lol
    mjnoe70 and haastregt like this.
  5. I think this item is priceless, and you shouldn't sell it :p
  6. Impossible to price check imo. I'd say that single items like this hold what ever value you're willing to sell it for and what a buyer is willing to pay. It's like my voters items. I'd wouldn't sell them for anything less then 1 million per piece. Not worth that much to anyone else though lol
    haastregt likes this.
  7. I would agree, though I think some of them are worth a million in reality. Not all but some due to being undestroyible, makes something like an infinity bow pretty darned useful or the diamond pick axe and diamond axe. Shovel is ok but the fortune 3 enchant makes it worthless for gravel collection and its pretty slow overall.

    However, to the note of this as started, I agree with the 2+ million (possibly more if you have some high rupee holders in line to buy it) as it is a super rare item with even less turn over. ...I also agree, that if I had won it, I likely wouldn't let it go for any price. To each there own. Congrats on that trophy and best of luck no matter what you do.
    haastregt and ThaKloned like this.