[Potential new business] Vault

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Raaynn, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. ... well... more a service than business since it would be free. It occurs to me that many players dont have the privilege of permanent derelict protection like i have... and it makes me kinda sad everytime i see someone log on whos lost their promos and momentos. Seems to happen just to often that soneone forgets to log on just a bit too long...

    So thought id see what the community thinks. I was rhinking i could build a vault under one of my reses where players could have a chest... or more a room with chests (i think doors can also be set for players access?)

    A player could even decide if they wanted it closed off... or open with preview chests for others to view...

    I gueas one issue would be trust (of myself) and another is me being banned. Dont think i will be banned... heck i can barely bother with legal mods let alone trying illegal ones...

    Still thought id like to bounce the idea of the community to see what ya think. Have 1 res thats just staying all forest so thought this might benefit someone out there.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. For the record... I'd like to back up this idea.

    First of all: see my blue colour under my name?
    <==== there? (time of writing!)

    That was mostly his doing ^^^^

    ... and plenty of awesome community members voting for me. (love you guys!!).

    Thing is: I can see where Raayn is coming from. I can relate. Heck, I build kind of a "vault" myself (proof here) and it has already helped to preserve the stuff for 3 players (for the record: I take this game seriously, and I don't really enjoy rampaging someone's residence and somewhat "abusing" my admin status, I don't do this often and it's NOT a habbit).

    My point? I trust Raayn with this.

    Thing is, this here:

    I took the liberty of emphasizing the parts which matter.

    Look you guys... I see myself talking up there (figure of speech). In the end there are no guarantees but seriously... Raayn tries to keep all options in mind, that should tell us something. The other, as mentioned before, my current diamond is because of Raayns awesome event last year (still love you for that buddy).

    Conflict of interest on my part you say? Good point!

    So here's the thing you should ask yourself: Would someone who is out to steal your stuff be giving away diamond support vouchers in benefit of the EMC community? I can pull logs if you want me to ;)

    @Raayn: I love your thinking and I fully support you in this buddy!
    Raaynn likes this.
  3. Wow. Thanks Shel. :)
  4. If someone's going to take the time to move their stuff to one of your chests just in case they lose their stuff, why wouldn't they use that effort to put it in their own vault? Plus, trust is a huge thing. I don't know you or know anyone that knows you and could vouch for you. Why should I trust you with my promos/special items?
    ShelLuser and Raaynn like this.
  5. Well... thats kinda my question right?
    However it does stand a fact that members continue to go derelict and lose their items.... hence the idea of making the offer.

    If noone is interested i get it. Im not going to be affected nor offended.

    If someone is interested thought it could be a service... for example someone taking a break who may forget to log on or vote... and regret that down the road when they come back.

    Either way doesnt affect me. My personal collection is protected.
    ShelLuser likes this.