Mai Youtube sub listz is bigurz VSauce Game Theory UberHaxorNova (My Grandfather hates him ) Sethbling Yogscast Simon & Lewis Chimneyswift11 Craftedmovie AliceF3 CaptainSparklez Pewds RWJ STAR_ AntVenom Smosh ElementAnimation SmoshGames Slyfoxhound SkyDoesMinecraft NigaHiga iHasCupquake iancoullahan1 MCWB InTheLittleWood (Also Known as Martyn) direwolf20 CavemanFilms GamersDissent ZexyZek FreddieW Yogscast Duncan Yogscast Hannah TheFineBros CodeCrafted MCUniverse OBAMGaming xViperLink sWooZie Empire Minecast (R.I.P.) ExplodingTNT SneakiestChameleon vgfreak4life VenturianTale ElementAnimation2 DBL Node bingomario1 iJustine ACtennisAC theDOMINICshow JennaMarbles Richto115 lore gaminglikeagirl Jtc0999 theninetailedcat Lasercorn MinnesotaBurns ItsJerryAndHarry KnowYourMeme PrankvsPrank
My absolute favorite is Got Drums. If you like COD and autotune trolling mixed together, watch his videos.
He bumped his own thread, I guess he wants it started up again I'd say I like Sethbling, Vsauce, and Vsauce2
I like watching Skydoesminecraft for adventure maps/minigames, JeromeASF for survival lets plays/minigames, ans Sethbling for all things redstone.
My personal Favourites are PeanutButterGamer, Jontron, ThatOneVideoGamer, Chugaaconroy, NintendoFanFTW, Inthelittlewood, NerdCubed, Smooth McGroove, Caddicarus and Oliver age 24.
I like captainsparklez, nigahiga, hoiitsroi(wassabiproductions) ethoslab, prankvsprank, ctfxc, rinoranchero, vintagebeef. I have more buy i didn't want to name all