[poll] which do you prefer

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by PseudoDistant, Mar 17, 2017.


[poll] which do you prefer

Poll closed Apr 28, 2017.
level 30 enchanted diamond armor 22 vote(s) 81.5%
level 30 enchanted gold armor + mending 5 vote(s) 18.5%
  1. I'm just curious because I'm constantly made fun of because I like enchanting gold armor over diamond armor because gold has enchantability of 25 and diamond has enchantability
    of 10 please answer honestly.
    ShelLuser and Equinox_Boss like this.
  2. What do you mean with enchantability?
    momstrio and Equinox_Boss like this.
  3. Exactly my question
    momstrio and Equinox_Boss like this.
  4. The higher an item's enchantability is the more likely it will be to gain high-level enchantments or multiple enchantments upon being enchanted.
    Apparently Gold armor/tools have a better chance of getting multiple enchantments at a time then Diamond armor/tools. When using the enchantment table.
    momstrio, ShelLuser and Equinox_Boss like this.
  5. First, most important: who cares what other people think? I can counter their argument & fun easily: you're also an eye catcher because most players will wear dia while you're wearing gold. Which will set you a bit apart :)

    A few friends of mine sometimes make fun of me because I always wear & use voters gear. Especially when I managed to find myself on the bad side of a pack of rabies nether hounds (they got to have Minecraft rabies, only sensible explanation ;)). But yeah, that's who I am and what I do.

    One important thing though: you're right about the 'enchantability' but are you aware of enchanted books? Most players don't use an enchantment table to enchant their armor, but use an anvil (with enchanted books) instead. This has the advantage that you can get any enchantment you want. No margin for errors, you'll know exactly what you'll get.

    Maybe food for thought?

    With that in mind I also answered your question: I'd take the dia armor, then ask my friend Aya for a mending book and apply mending on the dia armor myself :)
  6. yeah I see what your saying,but I was kind of talking about lvl30 enchantments (on the enchanting table) but I guess I see your point okay.
    Equinox_Boss and ShelLuser like this.
  7. i got a set of self-made golden god gear which i sporadically use. is my favourite.
    momstrio likes this.
  8. ikr gold has amazing enchantments (one time I enchanted a gold sword with 16lvl enchantment for 2lvls and 2 lapis lazulis and got a god sword right off the bat! (went to nether and someone created a wither right behind me (if you're reading this whoever you are you know who you are!)))
  9. okay step one, name changes, when you quotes someone, look for the quotes = line and changes the name, Step.two, message, changes the actual message. thats all there is to it!(no hacking required (please don't hack, hacking us bad))
    " try it!
  10. ([)quote="name here, post: 1309838"]message here[/quote(]) just delete the "()"'s and make out whatever you want!
  11. Bump with a samsung galaxy prevail! ^.^
  12. bump...again with a samsung galaxy prevail •.•
  13. I prefer Diamond armor mostly because it can provide me with better protection. Gold has a great enchant rating, but I find it to be quite lackluster, even with a mending enchantment.
  14. enchantability.
  15. I say enchant rating.
  16. I prefer diamond simply because un-enchanted diamond armour has a better protection rating than prot 4 gold.
    So any enchant you get to diamond just makes it much better. Gold armour also has horrible durability, so it will easily break while fighting mini-bosses if your not careful to repair it.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  17. I just like shiny diamond