[Poll] Which Design Looks Better?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by willies952002, Jun 2, 2018.


Which Design Looks Better?

Poll closed Jun 9, 2018.
Design A | Original Design 4 vote(s) 14.3%
Design B | No Chests + Solid Stone Brick Wall 10 vote(s) 35.7%
Design C | No Chests + Semi-Decorated Wall 18 vote(s) 64.3%
Other (Feel Free To Submit Your Own!) 1 vote(s) 3.6%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Hello Everyone, I need some input from you all!
    I'm currently working on doing some small redesigns in my shop and have come up with some different looks.
    There are two that make use of remote shop signs, as well as one that uses chests (original design).
    However, I cannot decide which would look nice and decided to let the community decide :D

  2. I voted for design C as well :) I like it!
  3. design c the expensive one
  4. iron ingots aren't that expensive, are they? And why are the designs out of order...
    Nickblockmaster and Tuqueque like this.
  5. ;-; meant to put b instead of c
  6. I want the one that's full stone brick.
  7. I don't know why, but option C feels much more better.

    Not only that, but the contrasting colors of the dark wood logs and the lighter wooden signs help make them be more noticeable.
  8. B is simple and nice
  9. I just threw two items and random-ish prices on the signs as placeholders
    Thanks for spotting that, fixed :)
  10. Out of the three you presented I like B the best. Here's another option. Behind the signs is black stained glass. Black concrete behind the item frames. Gray concrete behind the glass (I tried terracotta but I didn't like the look as well. It was too light and made the lines in the glass pop too much)

  11. Thanks for your idea submission! :D
    By the way, your image wasn't showing up correctly (Can't access the image - Permission Error)

    Two More Possible Designs!
  12. I voted A, there's just something about having shops without chests that just feels off to me.
  13. Can't decide between B and C. Design A has bulky chests in the way.
  14. I take back my vote. Option E.
  15. I like it too.

  16. B or C...