[POLL] Should we be able to sell our residences without resetting what's already been done to it?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by theenigmaparadox, Jun 17, 2012.


Should we be able to sell our residences without resetting what's already been done to it?

Yes 33 vote(s) 73.3%
No 12 vote(s) 26.7%
  1. I think this is stupid.. Sure it would make sense if we had to buy our residences in the first place, but we don't -we're given them. I think it would be wrong to make money of a default feature of EMC. Also, I'd imagine it would have to be built into the sytem to work properly as there would be the issue of perms.. If these werent removed my admin then this could potentially end up being a scam market..
  2. No i mean like the seller would live with a friend and make his own lot only for the purpose for selling:)
  3. World downloader is fun, ain't it? I was just at his shop last night, it's still there.
  4. Yes, but no one would buy a blank residence. The point of this was selling your creations on a residence. The Empire does not give us all shops, just the plot to build it on.
    As for the issue of perms, it is fairly tricky. Give me a bit to think about this one.
  5. Leo wouldn't lie to us.
  6. He did blow it up, like he said he did. Just, not on EMC.
  7. I'm not sure how selling residents would exactly work. If you were a regular member or a iron supporter would that mean giving up your only res? If so, where would you store all your stuff? would you have to live in the wild? I think if this happened it would be more of a trading system. one could make a nice res and instead of selling it they would trade it for another res that is empty.

    I think a cool thing to do would be being able to buy residents for real money. You could pay something like $10 for one 60x60 resident. there would also have to be a maximum amount of residents that a single user could have. This way Justin can make money and people can have more residents. I personally have always wanted that!
  8. The above will never happen. (At least in my opinion, and most admins/staff would agree) supporters make te server run. They pay money every month to Justin which he then uses everyone month to pay the company that hosts the servers. If people could buy res's for $10, all residences would be bought out, and Justin would have to add more servers which would cost more money each month which he won't have because members wouldn't get supporter since there are now always open slots, plus they could just buy however many res's they want, which really is the biggest supporter perk right now besides the guaranteed spot which is usesless currently. So this would never happen, EVER.
  9. Dare you to say that all in one breath^^
  10. Then maybe you could rent a resident like you can become a supporter. You would pay $10 the first time just to get the resident then every extra month you would pay $4 to keep the res. If you stopped paying monthly you would instantaneously loose your extra res once your last month is over. Then maximum resident a person could rent would be 1 or 2. I think that would work well.