[Poll] How often did you change your name?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Mar 28, 2017.


How many times did you change your Minecraft name?

Poll closed May 28, 2017.
Never, I got it right the first time :) 8 vote(s) 72.7%
Once, to fix a (small) mistake. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
A few times (2 - 5) just so I got it right. 1 vote(s) 9.1%
I changed my name, but then changed back to my old name. 2 vote(s) 18.2%
I only change my name every time during special events. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
I don't even have a real name anymore, it changes every month! 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Other (please leave a comment below!) 0 vote(s) 0.0%
  1. Hi gang!

    I'm sure some of you might not even remember this but there was once a time when we couldn't change our Minecraft usernames at all. Then there was a short time when Mojang had finally worked out all the details which then gave Aikar and the devs. plenty of headaches (assumption on my part ;)) because now EMC also had to support all this.

    But here we are, fully free to do as we please with our names.

    So yeah, that does raise a question for all you guys and girls out there: how many times did you change your name so far?

    And do you also care to share why you did?
    Equinox_Boss and SirTah like this.
  2. I changed my username 4 times

    First username I ever had was (mancub666) and had that for 4 years. Then I wanted a better name that sounded a lot better. I was watching a lot of minecraft youtubes at that point so then I changed my username to (MancubPlayzMC) for like 2 1/2 year thinking it was a cool username but I was never going to be a youtuber so I changed it to (LifeOfMancub). Ok that was my first real thought of a good name but it after looking at it more I did not really like it so I had to wait 1 month before I could change my name again. Then I just came up with something simple (The_Mancub) and here I am today and I think this name is the best one I have ever had and going to stick with this one.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. I went on a crazy journey of Runder.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. Never I'm locked out of my mojang account
    The_Mancub likes this.
  5. I have had this name since I joined Minecraft about seven years ago.
    ShelLuser and Equinox_Boss like this.