[POLL] How many members are in your outpost (community)?

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by We3_MPO, Oct 5, 2017.


Outpost members?

< 10 9 vote(s) 56.3%
10-14 2 vote(s) 12.5%
15-19 0 vote(s) 0.0%
20-24 3 vote(s) 18.8%
25-29 0 vote(s) 0.0%
30-34 0 vote(s) 0.0%
35-39 0 vote(s) 0.0%
40-44 1 vote(s) 6.3%
> 45 1 vote(s) 6.3%
  1. I'm making this because an outpost community I helped found over two years ago has 37 members now, and had 40 at its peak (April 2017). I'm curious to see just how big or small that is compared to the rest of EMC.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. lol mine has just me :) ive tried to get people out that way but they dont rlly wanna do the things i wanna do so.

    at my peak i had 13 members and 2 founders
    MissKells likes this.
  3. That peak was actually pretty good for a private outpost, bite.
  4. I started it by myself for about 2 months then i got about 4 people out there. But mainly its just me most of the time :) Would like to grow it as long as the same building types (medieval style) is kept.
  5. It depends on the outpost for me, and I'm kind of missing an option: "I don't know" or "At least me! ;)" :)

    Anyway... The very first outpost I joined, the one I seriously enjoy but don't spend enough time on, is Regen. The main problem (for me) is that I definitely enjoy farms but don't care enough about them to spend lots of time doing hardly nothing to gather resources. That's also because I'm not really active within the economy. The reason I mention this is because Regen has some seriously crazy farms.

    Right now we're around 20 members according to our list, but our activity numbers vary. Hm, makes me think: maybe we should try to set up a 'regen day' again next weekend.

    Next I have my own outpost on SMP9 which I seriously enjoy, and there is one extra member besides myself ;) The whole thing is more about survival gameplay right now, but we have made some preparations to gather resources for a nice cool "villa outpost"; a somewhat bigger house / villa build right next to a river. I'll share pictures when there's something to share, but I am quite excited about this project. I even have a rough draft ready in singleplayer / creative.

    I'm also part of another outpost there which accidentally happens to be located exactly next to mine, and there's one extra member there besides myself as well :D Over there we're mostly busy trying to clean out an entire ocean monument, but only from the inside. Eventually that's going to be the main hub of the outpost and the current main hub will become "Founders island".

    Finally I'm also involved with an outpost on SMP2 and although I'm more or less considered a member the real story is that Aya is the official member and I'm merely around as a guest and helps out a bit. We had a bit of a rough start but the outpost is definitely enjoyable and its even slowly growing and getting some more players onboard. But the focus is not so much on size but more so on pleasure and having fun. Even so, I think we have about 7 - 8 members right now.

    And I forgot one... I'm also a member on ElfinCarrots outpost on SMP2 but now that I think about it I haven't really done much there yet (like building my cave house). Underhelm, that's the one ;) I know that at one time it seemed as if everyone on SMP2 was a part of this outpost but it really shifts. I have no idea about the current member amount, but it's pretty high because it's an open outpost.

    So much stuff to do, so little time!
    We3_MPO likes this.
  6. There are two outposts that I am active in currently. The first is a private outpost on smp8 which has two members, myself and a friend. The second outpost that I'm a part of is finch_rocks_1's smp7 outpost. It has 10 active members.
    We3_MPO likes this.
  7. I am a man of many outposts on many smps, It is hard to be out at each one all the time. I belong to a few inactive op's at the moment while I also belong to a few others I have yet to step foot in. lol Not to mention my currently private OPs
    We3_MPO likes this.
  8. Bumping because I'm still curious, and just remembered this thread. Sorry for letting it get old, and thanks to those of you who answered!