[POLL] Controversial Thread Opt-in Or Not?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Krysyy, Jun 20, 2018.


How should the controversial section be set up? - Use Google Form

Opt OUT (current method) 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Opt IN (proposed method) 0 vote(s) 0.0%
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  1. In discussion about what sort of solution could address the current/constant issues in the Controversial section, an idea popped up that we'd like to gauge the community's opinion on.

    The current method involves the option to take yourself away from the controversial section.

    Everyone has access originally, with the option to excuse themselves (or for staff to make that call if necessary). In addition, parents have the option to message to request their child's account be locked out.

    The proposed method would require that you choose to be a part of the controversial section.

    By choosing to be a part of these controversial threads, you would be actively acknowledging that you are mature enough to handle the topics at hand and NOT get out of control. If the staff feel that you are not mature enough, then you would be removed from access.

    So what do you all think?


    We are trying to gauge legitimate feelings on this issue. Please don't vote with more than one account.
    Thread is locked. If you have something more to say, then message me PRIVATELY with your comments. This has nothing to do with censorship of opinions. We're looking for honesty and a clear answer. Sometimes the comments make this not possible.
  2. Interesting bug. Can't post a poll without allowing responses to the thread...

    Vote in the Google Form link please.
    (consider the original locked poll for show of choices only)
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