Please Help! - A Noteblock Dilema

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by creepervsbunny, Apr 5, 2012.

  1. can't find any dgray man :/
  2. D:
  3. OK, so before I go and test the songs, does anybody have any requests/suggestions? I don't care how long or complicated.
  4. Well, I'm off to test the songs. I won't be commenting so frequently any more for a bit :p
  5. However, new songs would still be appreciated..
  6. The lord of the rings has a lot of drawn out notes that I don't know if note blocks can do, but THIS would be awesome. honestly, if you pulled off this song, I would pay you to build me one on EMC
    oidking and nab27 like this.
  7. I second this one. I would pitch in a bit of rupees as well just to see it made on EMC
    oidking and Yukon1200 like this.
  8. Taxman-The Beatles.
    oidking likes this.
  9. how much would u pay? if i supplie the note blocks/redstone.
  10. i would like to inform you that the easyer the song the cheaper so if you like we can come to an agreement.
  11. i do not know that one i will check a utube vidio on it and i will try it on superflat keep bringing suggests
  12. I'm not sure, It depends how well you do it.
  13. Make the minecraft song :p
  14. yeah i thought lord of the rings too
  15. tis like a very hard song
  16. yeah sadly
  17. Guys, I'm creepervsbunny's friend, and he let me use his account to post stuff on it, so don't mind too much about what he says :p When I get my own account (sometime today I hope) then I would LOVE to build you a noteblock song!!!
  18. I just checked out the Final Fantasy song, Yukon, and I would do it for free for you if you supplied the stuff! What a lovely tune! This could be done very easily! I'll make a demo world on singleplayer, and see how it turns out, ok? :D I'm going to check out Taxman, right now.
    Yukon1200 likes this.