It snowed so much not even Gravity could deal with it But in all seriousness it looks super cold e.e How many times has school been closed?
They don't cancel school here in Alberta unless its like -45 or unless its not possible to go inside..
Like 12 times already. Our Winter Vacation was also extended a week then it was. So we got 3 weeks off for that. (The 2 weeks don't count since those werent really the snows fault. :] Yes. I do. I am such an Aussie. Oh hail no
but but. YOU LIVE IN LA Los Angeles One of the warmest places... We've been getting no snow, only lots of sun... *laughs awkwardly*
I am in Midland Michigan for 3 years due to my Mom's work. I was born and will go back to LA in 152 days. (Yes I'm counting)
.-. you've never mentioned this before. :3 That explains a lot actually. ... Um. I feel so disliked by the rest of the nation. CA is in a drought...
Hate to be mean Brickstrike, but its even snowing here in Florida! Ugh I thought when I moved here I would never see snow again, I guess not... They even canceled school for 2 days BEFORE it even started snowing. Dang Floridians