OMG So much bad login!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by JZH1000, Nov 23, 2013.

  1. Mojang is aware :p,its all 1.6.4 servers. :(
  2. Yea now I cant even get on, keeps saying bad login
  3. so... all of them then?
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  4. I cant even log on if I spam it....
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  5. Crud, I guess I'll have to do something real for a bit:rolleyes:

    laundrycraft, at least it sounds a little more like fun
    JZH1000 likes this.
  6. :( me too
  7. I was able to log in last night and only had to try it 3 times... I have tried about 5 times and can't get into Smp4 or 5. :( Is there anything we can do to get on?
  8. Ahhh u hate this so much, its so annoying :(
  9. Agreed! :( And I can see that there are people currently logged in, so that makes it worse. :(
  10. I hate this so annoying Tried for 3 Hours straight
    JZH1000 likes this.
  11. I am sad. we might miss the ICC drops :(
  12. I got in finally, I just spam clicked the "Join" button before the game tried to log me in after I clicked the server I wanted to join.
    I don't know if it will help anyone else.
    If you anyone does manage to get in, DO NOT LOG OUT :confused:.