I bet I bet olaf is going to stab him with that diamond but he got on one knee so that he can stab upwards better. dun dun dunnnnnn
This was a bad idea but I am committed so I will go through with it. I am sorry darling but I will say it out loud and like it or not, we both know this is true. Simply, I am marrying him and plan to stab him in his sleep and get everything in the will :3 I cannot believe I said yes.... This is what happens when I do an all nighter. Don't worry. If I go through with the wedding I am going to have a giant drop party. It will be bigger than both bitemenow15's and deathtomb8953's (power to da Playas)
I am sorry. I really never wanted to marry. I am doing this for a good cause. I think our relationship would be stronger as friends Why do guys always want to marry me ?
Well, I want a party. Oh, and I OBJECT! We need drama. Marc, will you get killed by a clock or... killed by a brick? CHOOSE YOUR POSION.
Lol. I will try. Currently plannig to buy at least two dc's of diamond and one dc of lapis, emeralds, and the other ignots. Other than them I will fill everything with random things with some value and a few promo's. P.S. Happy to help if you want to make a Doctor Who Season 8 Partay