Ok Aikar, Next promo item....

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Leowaste, Feb 15, 2014.


Make it so?

YES! WARP SPEED! 27 vote(s) 75.0%
no, i hate good stuff 9 vote(s) 25.0%
  1. It's ok, I know how you feel.
    You post a joke and everyone thinks you're for real..
  2. I feel like your Poll makes me a bad person to say 'No'.
    Leowaste likes this.
  3. how could you...
    you know u want it
  4. I hate good things though. So because I want it.. i have to to hate it.. and say no. You did this!
  5. I like that statement so much Imma gonna quote it. Just for fun.
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  6. But defeat sounds so much nicer:p
  7. Plot twist, @Aikar makes the sword but it will break after one use. Lol
    jacob5089 likes this.
  8. *Waits for dragon tombs*