Official #ThisIsArt / #CowsCanvas Thread

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by IcecreamCow, Jan 17, 2014.

  1. 1337610568_minecraft_tnt_block_by_maxicube-wallpaper.png

    Edit: Why not? :D
    Importerer and slash14459 like this.
  2. 607 and B4DMAN5IMON like this.
  3. That was quick.
    B4DMAN5IMON likes this.
  4. heh, don't think that one needed as much time as the others, still came out nice :)
  5. Oooo, something to look forward to when i get home :3
  6. #HighExplosives
  7. It an icecreamcow head with that flavor text. I assume the number corresponds to the art it was rewarded for.
    607 likes this.
  8. Hey ICC I'm still waiting for more art! :p