Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2018 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2018.

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  1. I love my facial hair. I refuse to part with it.
  2. Koalas can have puppies too, right?

    Luneyia, Elite, SkeleTin007 and 21 others like this.
  3. Thanks for sharing! :)
    RestNPineapple, SkeleTin007 and rhxa like this.
  4. Your pictures always make me smile haha u seem like a funny goofy person
  5. I love your pictures.

  6. New (used) car is toddler approved.
  7. How cute!!! 😍😍
  8. Cleaning up the thread since player been shown the rules and understands...
  9. Me: "Okay Coco, this is your time to shine!!!"
    Coco: "Hi EMC, aka the best server in the world!!!!! <33333 you all!!!!!"
  10. ^^^ Sorry it's so huge, couldn't find how to shrink it :oops:
    SkeleTin007 likes this.
  11. 'Could always put it in a spoiler. ;) That will make it smaller, but it will also require an additional click or touch.
  12. What a gorgeous Torti!
  13. That look reminds me of my oldest cat's "I'mma pounce you" look... lol, gorgeous cat.
    SkeleTin007, RestNPineapple and 607 like this.
  14. Haha
    SkeleTin007 and rhxa like this.
  15. Thanks!
    SkeleTin007 and 607 like this.

  16. Camera quality "ugh", but these are my two different hair styles (and apparently skin tones)
  17. Why are your pictures so small?
  18. To represent the amount of self-confidence I have, duh.
  19. I’m too colorblind to notice two skin tones ; n ;
  20. Oh sad ;-;
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