Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2015 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. its öskudagur yes :D and its better than halloween :p

    It's the first day of lent in the western christian church. In Iceland children dress up and go around shops and houses, singing for sweets.
  2. Well, I was supposed to go to a friend's house, so I got all ready
    but now I can't leave due to the impending snow ._.
    = selfies

  3. Hehehe, I can go for a walk on the beach right now where I live #CaliWeather
  4. Me and my partner. Serious photo's of me are rare. The ratio of serious to not serious photo's is about 1:11 XD 10928201_10152995556632232_3962518270629514798_n.jpg
  5. Double post don't care we won
  6. I see the UT Austin shirt, and the Huston Texans shirt, where are you?
  7. .... At my home town somewhere on coast of Texas.
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  8. By somewhere, do u mean you don't know as when you drive there, you drive into a portal and your no longer on earth?
    crystaldragon13 and tedrocker like this.
  9. that, or he just doesn't want everyone on the internet to know...
    crystaldragon13 and 607 like this.
  10. ;)
    Lukas3226 likes this.
  11. That makes no sense, I think Finch is right.
    Gawadrolt and crystaldragon13 like this.
  12. I said i was gonna put a picture here a bit ago, I didn't take so it's not the best quality. But here you go
    #BigShout-OutToMyMumblePeeps #AwkwardSmilePic

    I am on the right. (incase you don't know :p )
  13. Naw Naw ... your on the left.. you just got a manly voice compared to some women....
  14. your right or my right lol :p sorry...
    Aphaea, 607 and AnonReturns like this.
  15. You got a different hair style :p
  16. Hmm... Should I post?
    TechFilmer and nick_godoy like this.
  17. Yes.
    crystaldragon13 and TechFilmer like this.
  18. My little baby. This is my cat, Thomas, who I've stolen from the neighbors.
  19. Another of my little baby.
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