[New Shop] Picklez27's Llama Drama!

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by Picklez27, Dec 30, 2016.


Do you like Llamas?

YEA! 6 vote(s) 85.7%
Nah... 0 vote(s) 0.0%
Maybe. 1 vote(s) 14.3%
  1. Hey there llama lovers!
    I have just opened a new shop on smp3, which goes by the name of Llama Drama! We sell all of the colors of the llama rainbow (brown, gray, white, and creamy), along with dressings for the llamas. We also have a sanctuary/petting zoo! You can also visit the barn where most of the llamas live. To have some backstory, this shop was founded to reintroduce llamas to their wild habitat. To see more info, visit the shop yourself, by doing /v 6221 on smp3. I hope you come and see these wonderful animals, and maybe adopt one for yourself!
    607 likes this.
  2. I Chespin king of Pokemon on smp3 approve dis store! I like llamas but i also like trainz :3
    Picklez27 likes this.
  3. How much is 1
    Picklez27 likes this.
  4. The prices vary from color to color, but they range from 350-415. I can get you the exact prices in about 15 mins.
  5. Brown: 375r
    Creamy: 315r
    Gray: 415r
    White: 350r
  6. Can u reserve one of each color