What is it? The Entombed Zombie is a special zombie that drops 2-3 silverfish upon death. Using a flame enchanted sword can prevent the silverfish from spawning (since they get burned up). Why? To give people a clue to say if they are near one or not. How? They will spawn in a radius around the Dragon Tomb, the radius would be 20-30 blocks. I am not so sure on this idea myself. I thought of it and it is feeling a bit iffy. Just seeing what you guys think of it.
I think it is a good idea. However that may be OP because if they are easily distinguishable from standard zombies people could run around the wild at night and look for them to easily find the dragon tombs.
I agree that we need a way to know we are near a tomb. Not sure about this idea - but maybe adapt it a bit and it may be a great idea! :3
Maybe a message would pop up as soon as you enter the perimeter? "You get a tingy feeling running through your spine... DRAGONS!" *Brainstorming*
I have had some of these ideas too... You smell the fiery breath nearby.. You sense the tombs of the unknown.. The fire breathing dragon lingers nearby.. I had a brainstorm a while back
The perimeter of the Dragon Tombs could EASILY be around 100x100 so it would be hard to find in that big area..
I don't think we should do any type of hint beyond the pictures of what they look like, to keep it as challenging as possible
Good idea I guess But u could make it ace by making a zombie hold somthing say A gold nugget, Somthing diffrent Idk just a idea Also U could maybe do weird sounds BEFORE the messege So people dont know what it is?
Confusing, but, possibly. Maybe all the zombies in dragon tombs will hold a special item, and maybe their will be a special spawner that spawns zombies, renamed "DT Zombies" and have a very rare chance of dropping shards, or any other cool items?
Yea but it depends what shards do right?? shards could be worth say 1k or somthing small And also with that if u think thats a problom you can make the zombies sronger and spawn in a bigger raidus (cant spell sorry) So a mob trap wont be so easy
KKk ok i just read some more stuff and maybe if it possible make 4 shards make a stone Like a shortcut/diff way to get the stones!!!