New Alt Names

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by JesterTheCleric, Mar 10, 2014.


Which Alt Name Should I Get Eventually?

DoctorsCompanion 10 vote(s) 26.3%
TARDISluvr 10 vote(s) 26.3%
DoctorHerm 15 vote(s) 39.5%
ReversedTARDIS 9 vote(s) 23.7%
TARDISNextdoor 11 vote(s) 28.9%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Reminder that you have to actually check if some of these are taken. =)
    trust me they are...
    607 likes this.
  2. lol, you are right.... oh gods, Im sounding like Hagrid, and that doesn't even make sense since Im a girl, holy Hephaestus...

    Oh, and yea, I know Krysyy, I just want to see which ones are the biggest hits before checking.
  3. DrAnonymous
  4. #potterheads4lyfemione!
  5. Please refrain from bumping ancient posts in the future. :)
    PenguinDJ, Monster_ and Alyattayla like this.