Need help with values on OLD promos

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by TheTwoShoeCow, Sep 18, 2024 at 4:29 PM.

  1. Can anyone give me an idea of what the following are worth? I have quite a few OLD promos saved and i wanna know the value
    2013 Holiday Pick
    2013 Turkey Slicer
    2014 freedom blade
    Lucky Bow
    ArtemisV head
    And a book called littletree by chickeneer
  2. Given that EMC has less players, historical items are much more volatile. ie. last year ore busters could be worth 300k while a few years ago 800k, and we have a current auction going for 2.5m…

    holiday pick seems to maintain value. Turkey slicer, freedom blade and even lucky bow you can be close to market price if you use Raaynn promo price thread. *lucky bow will have more noise than the other two

    Artemisv depends if there are any staff head collectors left. I’d say anything above 85k is decent, but there might be someone who is persuasive and wants it for hundreds of thousands

    I was going to say that books by staff are valuable and you can look into selling to Raaynn, fadedmartisn or me, for a good buck, however I believe you have a common promotional item, so it might be best to use the promo price thread as well for that.
    Sefl and 99marvel like this.