Name Contest(Free Rupees)!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by yarbsarb, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. Dr. Future Gamer
    NINJATTILA likes this.
  2. Game_Histalia
    EDIT: or... Histalia Gaming
    NINJATTILA likes this.
  3. Thanks for everyone's input I may leave this out here for another week or two to see who else can find an awesome name :)
  4. 1 week remains please leave your suggestions! :)

    EDIT: I meant day sorry :(
  5. Discover the history behind the games with NINJATTILA!
    NINJATTILA likes this.
  6. Retro Roots: [Name of game]
  7. GameHistoryOfGamingBackgroundFromPastToPresentOrFromTheOldenDaysToTheNewestDays

    That took 10 minutes to think of / type

    ...What have I done with my life
  8. That name is perfect! sending 1k your way now!
  9. You may want to adjust the OP to indicate the contest is over, just sayin' :p
    Also you may want to request it being locked or something so you don't get it spammed with ideas :p
    mba2012 and NINJATTILA like this.
  10. But it's fun to watch people spam things when the contest is over :p
    _Stads_ and Importerer like this.
  11. If its just a name to the show, don't make it that fancy. Sometimes it's better to keep it simple. For example, if I forgot the name "Ninjattila" I could search up "The Secrets and History of [Insert Name of Game Here]" and have your channel pop up over all the others out there. Also it helps if I wanted to know about a specific game and I don't want to search through your (hundreds?) of videos to find that one game; I could just search the simple keywords that your series always uses.
  12. DustyHistopedia
    mba2012 and xI_LIKE_A_PIGx like this.
  13. Now, what do we have here?
    mba2012 likes this.
  14. lol oops >_>
  15. :D