My new thing on my res at 8299 server 4

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Red_Mystery, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. 42. 'Nuff said.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  2. 42 is not an option. There's no way she CAN'T pick it.
  3. Um.....hmmmmmm.... 666666?
  4. no I am doing it on my residence [8299 of SMP4]ooooweeee:rolleyes:.

  5. i just stopped by your res and saw this on fire i didn't know if it was by you so i left it alone
  6. Das never good…
  7. I also would like to know why the red stone appears to be floating.
  8. Invisible blocks do to texture pack.
  9. AKA he's using an X-ray texture, alerting a mod.
  10. Its not an xray texture pack. -.- Its on a grass block, just his texture pack is wierd. ( My res is right next to his )
    1. Why would he post a picture of himself using an xray pack.
    2. if that is an xray pack, it fails because you cant see through the grass -.-
  11. That's not X-ray. It's an outdated pack. Probably before the new planks and and netherbrick. *facepalm*
  12. Woow. Then what block is he standing on? Also, if you guys were smart enough to use an outdated pack to check this, you'd notice that newer blocks that aren't in the pack turn purple.
  13. Hes standing on a wood plank?
  14. He's most likely standing on a wooden plank. And I have used outdated texture packs. I have one, in fact from 1.8.1.
  15. Butbwhat block is the red stone floating on that is invisible???
  16. I just told you its a grass block, If you think the redstone is the brown line, its the edge of the glass block. theres redstone on the top left of the picture. know your facts before you accuse someone of a bannable offence. and second can we stop arguing on the post, its about reds donating for his game.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  17. It may be netherbrick, or a new shade wooden plank, which was not there when he got the texture pack.

    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  18. 598.33856893042103747284629462812654931613938632951847367248628 is my guess