My new plot

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by MindlessSquirrel, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Chilling to some dubstep whilst working on my build =D
  2. Anyone wanna see my progress?
  3. 4 hours of work. There is no motion left in my fingers, yet I continue :D
  4. its looking great :)keep us all posted :D
  5. I can't upload anymore pictures cus they are too big and im limited to 2 pages so ill make a new thread named 'My New Plot2'
  6. apparently I cant upload the latest screen :/ sorry guys ill try fix it :D
  7. Why dont you just use F2?
  8. Public them first ^_^
  9. this failed too, ignore my new thread and go to the web address above /\
  10. Im not familiar with ImGUR it was just a suggestion off jack
  11. Nevermind, I've done it
  12. Guys case closed, its just gonna take too much materials, i'll think of another big build. Plus it doesn't look like what I wanted. Thanks for your comments anyway, you've inspired me =D