My Final greetings to EMC (for now)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Eclipsys, Jun 12, 2012.

  1. Of course you can mr h4x0r
  2. Did you at least freak out a little bit, even for a second?
  3. No, cause I double checked before posting it, even though I review all those pictures in my public folders ;)
  4. Oh, Well then, EMC just lost about 50% of it's meaning, dang. Um, I'm going to go wallow in my sorrow and become depressed.
    marknaaijer likes this.
  5. Everyone needs a break from time to time. EMC is still as strong as it was ages ago. All these people 'leaving' simply means you get to know more great people. We sometimes tend to only stick to our small groups and forget to meet all the other great people that are right around you everyday. EMC has strong plans that will keep us on the top for years to come and we'll get to meet more great people along the way. :)
  6. That is true, but I am not happy about the people leaving... :(
  7. Hear Hear, just, all these people....... :(
    But After a rousing speech from ICC EMC will carry on! I just hope I manage to hang in there until the new features come rolling out, because I know I will regret it if I leave.

    marknaaijer and IcecreamCow like this.
  8. Trust me, you have no idea how true this is. ;)
  9. Trust him and the Tomato ;)
    IcecreamCow likes this.
  10. Especially the Tomato.
  11. Yes especially the Tomato because THE TOMATO NEVAR DIES!
  12. I'm going too, such a shame to see the whole Delta Team leave, good luck :)
  13. With me leaving, I also Officially disband the Delta Team on EMC. It was a great group, and I've had a lot of fun. For all those Delta's out there, Romano44 has told me he will set up a new group in spirit of DT.
  14. not the whole DT, only the bigger part of it :) Romano44, one of our most trustworthy peeps in DT, will set up a new group
    marknaaijer likes this.
  15. *continues to sob*
    Make this break brief.
  16. Jeezus you guys, everyone's leaving! We're loosing our best builder! :(
    marknaaijer likes this.
  17. Its temporarily, not too long, i'll prolly back up and about when 1.3 is out (about 3weeks or so)
    marknaaijer likes this.
  18. where?
  19. You guys will come crawling back to us one day :p
    hayleycolgan and IcecreamCow like this.