I didn't see this on saturday... and now feel like a complete idiot. Either way, I guess I will see you when you get back. It will be hard for you to see me though since you will see right through me.
I don't think that this is helping EDIT: We all make mistakes. Don't be so hard on yourself Just try not to do it again
As I said before, it takes a lot to stand up and admit that you were wrong. In this case, I applaud you for taking it a step further and apologizing to the community as well for your actions. Deep down, everyone is human (except maybe Aikar) and we all make mistakes here and there. It's going to happen with as much certainty that the Earth will continue spinning. What matters is how we admit those mistakes, learn from them and apply those lessons to the future in hopes that we do not make the same mistake again. Those that fail to learn and continue to make the same mistakes will not go very far in life nor on EMC.