Musiiiic! <3

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Ryukk132, Jan 22, 2012.

  1. Personally, I think these are the best one out on the market :p :p

  2. look familiar? lol
    yapzi likes this.
  3. Some Midnight Beast

  4. I'm more of a hardcore rap fellow, but I respect all you dubsteppy humans.
  5. Technos sick. I love DeadMou5. Like 99% of the kids in my school like LMFAO, and so do i. We have dances every quarter, and no joke, 80 out of 100 of the kids there are shuffling in sinc with each other while any LMFAO song is playing.
  6. Im a fan of dubstep ( Skillex , Mt Eden ), and a fan of rap ( Eminem ).
  7. Yay for another Eminem fan!
    pateraterick likes this.

  8. Not the same type of music but whateva =P
  9. Don't hate on this but I'm pop all the way. :p
  10. No hating here.
    ninjaboy5656 likes this.
  11. If you ask me, this is VERY true.

    As the America one is to small to read, this is what it says: "Metal music is to complicated for you to UNDERSTAND."