Moved to Smp8

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by emfs_ad, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. lol PLOT TWIST
    Sunny_Chicken and Olaf_C like this.
  2. lol this thread talked about moving servers to fricken god damn soap opera xP
  3. xD Hold, I refuse the divorce, thy must learn to love their disagreements.
    Sunny_Chicken likes this.
  4. I already remarried...
    flamingpotato42 likes this.
  5. Might I suggest conn, you Build a Conn Fire so you dont freeze during the cold smp8 nights?
    Sunny_Chicken likes this.
  6. I was kind of late to see this thread, but you're always welcome on smp8, Conn :)
    Sunny_Chicken likes this.