Money Problems [Locked](Begging)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by CraftyCosmic, May 29, 2013.

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  1. OK, so this thread is about the money problems broke members have. I, myself, am one of those members... voting is not enough... shops get us nowhere..we have little items(even though I have a good amount)... whial some members have 100,000 rupees! Woof... suffering. PLEASE help us broke people...
  2. also the members aren't donater
  3. What is this getting at? Voting can get you 1200r a day with bonuses. If your begging please keep it to yourself.
  4. There are tons of ways to get rupees... People that have over 100k or so didn't whine to get money. They worked hard. Don't call them lucky and don't consider yourself 'broke' or 'suffering'. And especially don't use the excuse 'im not a donater'. Even without the donator status, I'm sure they work hard to at least maintain their rupees.

    Like JZH1000 said, please keep your begging to yourself.
    607 likes this.
  5. This counts as begging. I'm locking this thread.
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