Momentus Error In the Code?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Bravo_Zulu, Nov 21, 2016.

  1. Thought the support staff would like to know there appears to be an issue with the Momentus damage calculation check error handling. Falling into a slot canyon of one block wide and many blocks long and high. It must have followed me into the slot and got stuck.

    My Flicker image may not be showing so I provided the URL below.

    This was on SMP7
  2. Your picture doesn't show up, that's because the link you used points to a webpage and not the image itself. The best site to share images on is probably Imgur (also because they provide ready-to-use share links, just copy & paste the BBCode and you're done). But let me help you out here:

    Now, this isn't a bug but actually a feature :)

    Always been wanting to use that and I'm not even joking ;) When fighting custom mobs the system checks how much player damage has been dealt and compares this with the total amount of damage. In this case Momo died mostly from environmental damage and not player damage. So as a result you didn't got any loot from it.

    I agree that the warning message can be a little confusing, but it simply shows you what is going on here. So in this case 100 - 20 turns out to be bigger than 100 / 2.

    So yeah, this is intended behavior. It shows you that you didn't got any loot and also provides the full reasoning for it.

    Hope this helps!
  3. Yeah, I understand the displayed information and wasn't informing of the lack of loot. Just seems like the displayed output isn't formatted in a way that is readily understood by most users so I assumed the display format was unintended. However, as usual when I assume things, I'm wrong . . . Heh. No worries. Thanks for the information about Imgur . . . Have a good day.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  4. the output was there from when we were studying the behavior and was wanting users to report screenshots of it if it didnt drop loot and we felt like it should, to of spotted why.

    we can probally remove the numbers output now.
    ShelLuser and Ch33zus like this.
  5. Maybe you could turn it into a ps setting, so that some of us geeks can still enjoy some geeky output from time to time ;)