Mods getting alittle bit tense?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ProdigyUndead, Apr 10, 2013.

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  1. I don't think replying to your ban reason is really appropriate for multiple reasons, many of which I've said in my previous posts
    • Myself and everyone else posting on this thread has no real idea what you're not telling us and which bits of what you're telling us are true or false.
    • This should not be public. By all means, share your thoughts on the staff (although, most will disagree - myself included) but you and others should not be commenting and indirectly asking for support about your ban reason because we just don't know what happened.
      • Like I said, PM IcecreamCow and the moderator that banned you. :)
  2. Like I said - my point proven - we didn't know what happened or what was true/false. :)
  3. So do the right thing and remove it...
  4. Sure, add me to a convo with yourself and Margaritte and we can discuss it in private. :)
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