Moderator Application [Updated February 17th, 2012]

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by GameKribJEREMY, Nov 25, 2011.

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  1. I read that too but icecreamcow only likes to blow up stuff in utopia :3
    oidking likes this.
  2. wait...
    i am for sure being a mod

    making sure i never become a mod
    SecretAznEks and SignifiedSix like this.
  3. Then why would you apply xDDD
    You sir are a funny one :p
  4. I love reading the comments on this thread and seeing how many people don't get sarcasm xD
  5. Agreed lol
  6. I think if I became a moderator I would be eaten by the Cow admin....
  7. No, he would blow you up. Don't you tomatoes pay attention any more!?
  8. Wiki Answers, nonetheless. Shame.
    autumnrain26 likes this.
  9. He could've always edited that cows don't eat tomatoes first and then cited it.. xD
  10. Yet nobody mentioned that tomatoes aren't vegetables...

    mtp1997 likes this.
  11. Tomatoes aren't vegetables! :p
    BobTheTomato9798 and AlexHallon like this.
  12. I sent mine in hope i become a moderator :)
  13. It depends. Most things that you commonly think of as vegetables are actually fruits, botanically speaking. When the flowers of an angiosperm are pollinated, the flower petals will fall off and the structure will grow into a fruit, which strictly speaking is the fleshy seed-bearing structure of a plant. Bean pods, melons, cucumbers, squash, corn kernels, etc. are all technically fruits--botanically speaking. In a culinary sense, all of these (except the melons) are considered vegetables--including tomatoes.

    Source: I'm a goat, plants are my life.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. Pffff. Commenting here? Big no-no.
  15. IF you sent your application but if for SOME reasone you need to sent it again, will the second one you send be the one that is looked at?
  16. They merge, I believe. Ask Jeremy.
  17. Or ICC... thanks
  18. Wait, what?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
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