MIners needed

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by 621op, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. why would i buy them
  2. To show him up, maybe??
  3. Yeah shure, just install x-ray and go mine 12391834758u6431283782093o812 diamonds in 10 secs.
    Ow wait, that's not allowed at EMC servers...
    well, ill just leave diamonds alone.
  4. I'm not using X-ray fine I bought them
  5. I bought the diamonds
  6. I can't get on, mc is down for meh.
  7. I Am A Very Good Miner I Can Find Diamond's With My Fortune Pick
  8. Fine u got the job sabi727
  9. Jake81 u got the other job
  10. See I told you so.
    Once someone lies it is hard to regain the trust of others.
  11. Yup, you're right.
  12. What Sever Will We Be Mining On?
  13. on smp5
  14. When do we start I have a epic plan for mining! :D
  15. ok tell me
  16. I will tell u when we're making a base and starting to mine! It's a very good idea. :p
  17. Wow. WhatEVER. Go ahead and abandon the village. I don't care.
    PS: WeirdManaico and NUBlackshirts27 wanna be our neighbors.
  18. bet he used a fortune pickaxe and bought the ores.
    SecretAznEks likes this.
  19. Secret not on smp2 I'm talking about smp5... And I told the ppl to move to a different island cause this is a private island. I'm not abandoning the village. Lol