Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition - GT: Signature

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Twitch1, May 12, 2012.

  1. Live Gamertag: weedblaze
    Usually online, just shoot me a pm.
  2. Gt: Manglex
    It was "LordBootySmack" for like ever though

    Edit: I don't play much anymore seeing as I have a Pc
  3. Well, I will not be on MC:360 for a while.. My 360 is stuck at the pawn shop... I didn't get paid and my wife's visa was denied for another 10 months..... I will be reintigrating into the community over the coming days but I am trying to take a 15 day vacation from 1-15 July to visit my family in Honduras. (Wife, kids, pets, extended family on my wife's side)... If that doesn't happen, it will by no later than September, hopefully....
  4. GT: TNTKingZJ add me plz I just got an xbox 360 and I also have MW3
  5. I will be changing my gamertag to hopefully be in the " LIVE " Clan or the 4 pillars.
    Heres my current GT : Melloyelloj
    It will SOON be changed to Either PIG LIVE 456 or II P1G II
  6. GT:Thefundude48
  7. When I see a bad GT I can't help but

    My GT: FPSStimulus add me, usually on everyday in the summer, I play Minecraft, MW3, the old CoD's, and other games.